Parkway Co-op Donation - Sponsorship Program

Parkway Co-op Donation - Sponsorship Program
Purpose of the Program
The Community Donation - Sponsorship Program is designed to support local events, community
groups and non-profit organizations that we serve. We welcome the opportunity to be involved and help
build a stronger community through events or programs that enrich the lives of community members.
Sponsorship Guidelines
• Consideration will be given to youth groups and non-profit organizations within the trading area
of Parkway Co-op retail locations that submit a completed Community Donation - Sponsorship
Application form
• Applications must be accompanied by a letter with the organization’s letterhead authorizing an
individual(s) acceptance of the sponsorship on its behalf
• If sponsorship is approved, it is expected that Parkway Co-op is acknowledged with banners or
signage so that attendees, participants and our members are aware of the contribution
• A picture will be required with the recipients of the donation or sponsorship. Mentions and
pictures posted on social media and any other media that will be used as a ‘Thank You” to
participating contributors
• Youth organizations or sports teams and events
• Local school teams, activities and events
• Community groups and non-profit organizations and events
The following programs/groups are ineligible to apply
• Individuals, including socials
• Federal, provincial or municipal government agencies and school boards
• Profit based organizations
• Projects or programs outside of Parkway Co-op trading areas
• Groups that could have an adverse social or environmental impact
• Third-party fundraising campaigns
How to Apply
Download attached application.
Completed application forms, along with any supporting documents may be submitted to the Parkway
Co-op Administration Office by email to: Incomplete forms will not be considered.